Thursday, June 6, 2013

{Summer Looks for Your Locks}

Summer is my favorite season of the year; I love the easy, fun, relaxed and free spirit feeling this season brings me. As much as I love to pre-plan my outfits ahead of time I always end up changing something if not all of it when I put it on, defeating the purpose of “pre-planning”.
I get dressed every morning based on how I feel that day {not always such a good thing but, hey it’s the truth}. Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve, I wear my heart on my daily appearance LOL…

During the summer I am always on the go and love to have my hair styled simple but stylish. So, for the next few weeks I will share a few "How To Hairstyletutorials of my fav summer do's

Today’s How To Hairstyle is the milk-braid {this hairstyle looks best on “long hair don’t care gals” but, you can always tweak it a bit to fit your needs}

Hope you enjoy keeping your locks looking fresh this season!!

 {Split hair into two halves + braid each section}

{Cross each braid over your head creating a halo} 

{Secure it with a bobby pin}

{Cross the other braid over the pins}

{Secure the other side also hidding the end under the other braid}


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