Tuesday, March 5, 2013

{CC Cream}

Just as technology is always on a constant hunt to revolutionize and revamp an iPhone or an iTouch, so is the beauty industry {for this, I am grateful!!}.
And, as much as I am loving my everyday go to L’Oreal BB Cream (aka. Blemish Balm or Beauty Balm), I now have to make counter space in my bathroom for the next best thing, the CC cream (aka. Color  Correct)- {WHAT? I know!! So excited}. The BB Cream (click here to get the full scoop on the BB Cream) is the greatest invention yet until NOW. This invention is so great that not only every drugstore brand but also every high-end make up line created their own BB cream.

The BB Cream is essentially, every woman’s dream ingredients in a 2.5 Oz tube, that not only promises but acts as a base, primer, hydrating moisturizer, evens skin tones, protects with SPF, and most, have a light sheer tint. Now, the new generation of multi-functioning product present the CC cream that will act as a BB Cream on steroids! The CC cream will not only include all these amazing ingredients mentioned on the BB cream’s but will also color correct, and have anti-aging ingredients and vitamins C to brightens your skin.

I promise when I read this breaking news I was doing shimmies of excitement. I can’t wait to try this new product so ladies be on the look out and try it out. Don’t forget to share with us what your thoughts are.
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